Challenges in Sustainability Conference 2023, The Great Transition as a Challenge and Chance in Times of Crisis.
Event Date: Friday 3rd & Saturday 4th of November 2023
Event Location: EUREF Campus
Event Description: As for the past years, also in 2023, the T.U. Berlin´s Master-in-Energy organises its annual conference, with the title “ The Great Transition as a Challenge and Chance in Times of Crisis”. The transition towards sustainable energy and energy usage has encountered and continues to face numerous challenges. The 2023 conference will be in partnership with Master-in-energy, Mobility2Grid and EUREF Campus AG, with the support of the Berlin Senate. The goal is to not only outline the current trends in the transition towards sustainable infrastructures (Energy, Mobility, Buildings, and Urban Structures) at both the German and European levels but also to examine the training requirements for the upcoming challenges. Our focus will be on promoting stronger connections between research, academia, and industry. Register NOW. For More information visit www.sustainability-challenges.eu/. Participation in the conference is free of charge!
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